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Research On Ability Enhancement Of The Mass Work Of Leading Cadres

Posted on:2016-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330461494448Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up,great changes have taken place in China’s economic and social life,diversified expression in economic composition, distribution mode, the employment form. People’s ideas constantly diversified. The mass work covers more and more widely. The content of the work is more and more miscellaneous. Job requirements are more and more high. The work focus of more and more. There is more and more pressure in work. Facing the new situation of mass work,working ability of the masses suffer the predicament of insufficient. Leading cadres must further improve the working ability of the masses.Working ability of the masses, is an aspect of the construction of leading cadres’ ability. It is a comprehensive concept in many aspects of the service concept, service subject, service object, service mode and mechanism. It is the leading cadres to use the power given by the people, mobilize social resources, to perform their duties, the sum in order to achieve the overall social development potential and actual strength. The work includes five specific content: understanding of the masses ability, ability to persuade, preaching emotional affinity, dissolve contradiction ability and service ability of the masses. Five abilities is the mutual connection, mutual promotion to construct dynamic model. Leader cadre masses ability construction, culture and society is through their own efforts, individual planned to create conditions for cultivating, development and implementation of the cadres and the masses work ability. The key is through education, training, practice, use, incentive, management, supervision and so on many kinds of ways, the development of individual potential, enhance individual ability, giving full play to the individual talentHow to improve the ability of leading cadres to do mass work under the new situation is a targeted and practical problem, the current research on this problem is still not enough thorough system. The paper as case is to analyze and to find the path by working in Jining City People’s practice. We must to set up a theory model to promote the leading cadres and the masses work ability promotion to better promoting effect on the practice of mass work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leading cadres, Masses work, Jining
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