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Criminal Law Protection Of Personal Information Under The Era Of Big Data

Posted on:2015-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y TongFull Text:PDF
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Personal information is in the case of serious victimization,09year the Seventhamendment to the criminal law has made some rules to protect personalinformation.In the past few years,the advent of the era of big data,personalinformation as a kind of data is a kind of resources, in order to ensure the safe andorderly circulation of information, and make full use of personal information.Thecriminal law protection of citizens’ personal information should be changed and putforward. It is a new topic to research on criminal law. Under the background of newera, the protection of personal information should also be changed due to theemergence of the new way of violation. The popularity of internet, the dangers ofhuman flesh search is prominent. We need to make the criminal law suit to thesituation. The paper here discussed the deficiency of existing criminal law, and I alsomake some suggestion to the criminal law protection of personal information.The article is divided into three chapters, the first part of the first chapter throughthe introduction to concept and legal attribute of personal information, for belowdiscusses the object of a crime in criminal law, setting the stage. The second partpresent the characteristics of the era of big data and make the safety of personalinformation under the big data clearly. The third part connect the harmfulness of violation of personal information to the function of the criminal law status analysis thenecessity of criminal law protection. In the second chapter the paper analyzed theconstitutive requirements of the single crime and put my owe views on thecontroversial issue. And analyzed the relationship between the two crimes.Alsocompared the crime of illegal for personal information with other crime and find thedifference. The last chapter discussed criminal protection of personal informationunder the age of big date, how to carry out regulation of the human flesh search underthe existing criminal law system were expressed, combine with behavior of the humanflesh search.The independent of natural person crime subject was thought. In the endof the paper I put perfecting suggestion of the protection of personal information. Andexpress the hope that personal information protection law can be invented as soon aspossible to make some directions of the criminal law protection for personalinformation.
Keywords/Search Tags:big data era, personal information, criminal lawprotection, human flesh search
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