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Contemporary Chinese Youth Marriage Value Orientation From The Conflict Between Husband And Wife

Posted on:2015-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W XuFull Text:PDF
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The family is the cell of the society, and the relationship is the core of the familyrelationship.The relationship for the family firm, the social harmony has theextremely significant significance.In real life, because of the influence of variousfactors, between husband and wife will inevitably have some conflict, sometimes veryviolent.This kind of life to effectively solve the contradiction and conflict if not intime, light is the harmony of a family, or lead to disintegration of the family.Thisarticle obtains from the analysis of husband and wife conflict and its reason in theform of research on this question, and further explore the contemporary Chineseyouth’s marriage value orientation, in order to reduce conflict, to better promote theharmony of the relationship and the stability of the family.The first part of this article mainly wrote a couple of conflicts in contemporaryChina and the main performance, from the definition of conflict about the husbandand wife, couples in contemporary China, the main performance of the contemporaryChinese couples conflict wrote four aspects of contemporary couples conflict hasuniversality, diversity and destructive.The second part of writing the cause of relationship conflict analysis, one of themain reasons are in the process of the marketization of social change, the concept ofdifferences in individual and the influence of the external environment of publicopinion.Due to the husband and wife both because of the different social backgrounds,individual differences and the external environment under the influence of publicopinion can produce friction, the education of husband and wife is different, everyonehas their own expression. So marital conflict reason is various.The third part of the contemporary Chinese youth marriage value orientation, itrefers to a certain subject based on your values in the face or processing all kinds ofcontradictions and conflicts, relationship of the basic value position, value as well asthe basic value orientation of attitude.This part mainly is divided into four aspects: the pursuit of husband and wife shall have equal status, advocating independence andfreedom of husband and wife, pay close attention to self-worth and attach importanceto their children’s education problem.Fourth part to build new relationships, mainly wrote to achieve the real equality,pay close attention to partner relationship a high level of spiritual demand,strengthening the role of family responsibility consciousness between husband andwife and comprehensively deal with the relationship between husband and wife andother family members in four parts.This article through to couple the causes of conflict, the main performanceanalysis, and how to build a new family relationships to avoid conflict of husband andwife, see the contemporary Chinese youth marriage value orientation.
Keywords/Search Tags:marriage, Husband and wife, Family relationships, The valueorientation
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