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The Research Of The Ideology Construction Of Contemporary Chinese Marxism

Posted on:2016-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H GuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330470983302Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is a very important target that making the ideology be effective as in the progress of running the CCP severely. As a count part of Marxist philosophy, the Marxist ideology is the guide concept of our socialist ideology building. Under the new historical circumstances, to grasp the rule of development of ideology, to strengthen the leadership of Marxism ideology, to discover the new difficulties and the new challenges are the urgent needs of sticking to our advanced culture, developing the national spirit and enhancing the cohesive force of the Chinese nation.Since the policy of the Reform and Opening-up, the predominance of the Chinese Marxism ideology is being consolidating, the mental outlook of the people has been changed a lot, the Socialist core value system is being sink deeper and deeper into people’s hearts. Meanwhile, we should notice that all the new issues and changes in the developing of socialist market economy system and social transformation progress have brought us new hard challenges. That is to say, in the face of complex and fickle ethos and diversified relationship, we must confirm and solidify more about the leadership of Marxism in our national socialist ideology, which will assistance to realize the Chinese Dream to come true and the renascence of China. It has been became the current important topic of the times to discuss the facing challenge of Marxism ideology and preserving leadership and guiding role of the Marxism ideology.My article is based on the related overview of Marxism ideological theory, which has stated the content, the feature and the function of Marxism ideology. So we can make the history as the standard to clarify the practice and development of the Marxism ideological theory, and we can generalize the experience of the construction of the Marxism ideology in our nation. These can help us to get the consequence of the value of times of the building of Marxism ideology, and the strategy of reinforcing the Marxism ideology as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ideology, Marxism ideological theory, Mainstream ideology, Socialist core values
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