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The Study Of Hess’ Socialist Ideology Influences Marx’s Early Thought

Posted on:2016-06-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330473460176Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Moze · Hess is not only a famous 19th-century German philosopher and early socialist, but also the history of the development of Marx ideological origin’s figure.Hess is known as "the father of German Socialism",especially Hess’s Socialism ideology occupy a certain position in history of the German Socialism ideology, and has an important influence on the early Marx ideology.So,in this thesis, "the relation between Hess’s Socialism ideolog and Marx’s ideological" is the researched object.Starting form the background of the Socialism ideology of Hess,analyze the Hess’s Socialism theory,the main source of ideology and the main contents of Hess’s texts.1 hope have a comprehensive understanding of Hess’s Socialism ideology.1 use the texts and history of comparative research methods to interpret this article and analyze what is the objective bases for Hess’s Socialism ideological how to influence on Marx’s ideology.Expound the intercourse, cooperation and conflict between Hess and Marx,and then analyze the historical statu of Hess’s Socialism ideology in history of German socialism and the history of Marx’s ideology.Finally,Comprehensive dissert Hess’s Socialism ideological influence on Marxist’s ideological in what sides and point out Marx transcend Hess in Socialism and Communism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hess, Socialism ideology, Marx’s early ideology, Affect, Transcend
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