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Study On Local Intergovernmental Cooperation Of Hubaoyinyu Economic Zone

Posted on:2017-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330485461462Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China’s economy has won its rapid development since the implementation of the reforming and opening policy. Regional economic cooperation is becoming more and more frequent at the same time. In October 2012, Hubaoyinyu economic zone was formally established. Our country devotes to making it become key economic zone and growth pole in a new round of China Western Development Program. However, all these factors, such as how to grasp the historical opportunity of construction of State-level economic zone, how to better play the role of the central city such as Hohhot, Baotou, Ordos, Yinchuan and Yulin in the spring breeze of "The Belt and Road Initiative" strategy, how to promote the economic zone to complete upgrade of industrial structure, how to accelerate the transformation of the pattern of economic development, have become the problem that should be solved urgently.The current situation of intergovernmental cooperation of Hubaoyinyu economic zone are complete analyzed from the perspective of the local intergovernmental cooperation in this article,combining with the related theory of intergovernmental cooperation. Based on the analysis, it is easily to find out that although the economic zone has achieved preliminary success in terms of intergovernmental cooperation, some problems which hinder the development of intergovernmental cooperation, are existing at the same time, for instance, weak consciousness of cooperation, the lack of normal coordination agency and coordination network, imperfection of benefit distribution mechanism, supervision and evaluation mechanism, deficiency of relevant laws and regulations about intergovernmental cooperation,etc. According to the above restricting factors existing in the intergovernmental cooperation of Hubaoyinyu economic zone, modeling the experience of domestic and foreign relevant intergovernmental cooperation, a series of concrete measures, such as to weaken regional concept by the way of raising the consciousness of cooperation; setting up the coordination organization and granting it the right of supervision; establishing mechanism of supervision, perfecting evaluation system; perfecting relevant laws, strengthening validity of cooperation agreements, etc. are put forward to coordinate and push forward intergovernmental cooperation of Hubaoyinyu economic zone.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intergovernmental cooperation, Hubaoyinyu economic zone, coordination organization, Interests distribution mechanism
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