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The China Company Registered Capital Of The Subscription System Research

Posted on:2016-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H DaiFull Text:PDF
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In the economic globalization is sweepi ng the world and the background of the increasingly fierce international competition, National economic system designs will directly affect their competi tiveness. The system of registered capital is one of the core elements of econom ic system, which has the profound impact on the establishment and operation of the com pany. The registered capital of a com plete system can protect the s hareholders’ equity and the corporate’s property. Therefore, the company capital system must be carefully designed, only adapts to the situation of our country, can it promote the development of national economy.In recent years, France, Germ any and other traditional legal capital system have changed its registered capit al system in order to adapt to the chan ging market environment. China also has been working for this. For the sake of encouraging the development of enterprises, through constant revision, and we finally in December 28, 2013 formally approved the "company law" amendment(hereinafter referred to as the "company law" in 2013). The bill m eans that the reg istered capital subscription system is established in china.Thorough implementation of registered capital registration system refor m involves a wide, strong policy. Therefore, the relevant government agencies should clear responsibilities, optim ization of th e reform process and perfect the system, Which can m ake sure a sm ooth transition. At the sam e time, enterprises should strengthen self – m anagement. Industry a ssociations should play a norm ative role. Social organizations implement supervisory work. Through the efforts of all parties, raises the level of market regulation and makes the capital system "roots", so as to further releases the bonus reform, stim ulates economic vitality, and prom otes economic development.In this article, writer uses a variety of research m ethods, such as historical analysis and comparative analysis. First of all, the writer s ummarizes the registered capital subscribed system and analyzes the legislation histor y of our com pany’s registered capital system. Second, the writer introduces the necessity of implementing registered capital subscribed system. Third, the author d escribes the reality of the plight of the implementation of the registered capital subscribed system. For example, the shareholders of the company will take the false registered capital, the low level of overall social credit. At la st, based on the above points, the author puts forward her own point of view to perfect the proposal. After this research, the author hopes the registered capital subscribed sys tem can be perfected in the im plementation of the road and towards a better direction.
Keywords/Search Tags:registered capital, capital paid-up system, capital subscription system, perfect suggestions
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