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The Direct Appealing System Of WuZeTian’s Period

Posted on:2017-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330503487664Subject:Legal history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The direct appealing system,whose mission was to resolve the wrong and unjust cases, was a remedy procedure of ancient China which was different from the appealing system and served as a supplement of the normal procedure. The Tougui system was innovated through the inheritance of the direct appealing system of the initial stage of Tang Dynasty during Wu Ze Tian period,and it made the direct appealing system more various and more complete.In order to solve the cases efficiently,the direct appealing system must comply with the according procedure and it ran canonically and was managed scientifically.The direct appealing system of Wu Ze Tian period not only had the function of solving the wrong and unjust cases,advising and supervising,but more frequently it functioned as the way of conveying the condition of the bottom to the leader,so it had a positive meaning for maintaining the tyrannic government and protecting people’s rights.As a political tool of Wu Ze Tian,the direct appealing system developed with the development of history,manifested the characteristics of the politics and the law and reflected the malformed political environment under the advising system,the cruel government official system and the atmosphere of whistle-blowing and implied the thought of being cautious of using torture、the law principle of emphasizing the substantive rights and despising the procedural rights and the complex for the honest and upright official.
Keywords/Search Tags:WuZeTian, Direct appealing, Tougui
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