With the development of the social informatization, education modernization andnew talent demand calls for higher and higher, requires to establish the new educationsystem. Teachers’ instructional design competencies not only directly affect the teachers’teaching preparation and the design of the teaching plan, but also is a core competencies.Compared with other disciplines, high school information technology courses in practicaland innovative ways put forward higher requirements. Therefore, a comprehensiveunderstanding of high school information technology teachers’ instructional designcompetencies, and puts forward some optimization strategy based on the analysis, hasimportant theoretical significance and practical significance.The first chapter introduces the background and purpose, content and significance,process and method; The second chapter of relevant concepts and reviewed the existingresearches about the ability of teaching design both here and abroad; The third chapterteachers’ professional ability standards as reference, names to Smith-Reagan model fordimension, part of the teachers’ teaching design ability is the composition of the front-endanalysis, strategy design and teaching evaluation ability of three dimensions, and to refinethe three dimension into7son ability and19indexes; The fourth chapter mainly useinvestigation tool for investigation, mainly using questionnaire survey tools, andsupplemented by classroom observation and teacher interviews, and record theinvestigation process, and then the comprehensive analysis on the survey results, and thena comprehensive understanding of present situation of high school information technologyteachers’ teaching design ability; The fifth chapter mainly is aims at the problems, putforward promote high school information technology teachers’ teaching design ability ofoptimization strategy. |