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Study On The "Linkage Of Community, Social Organization And Social Workers" Mechanism Promote The Development Of Guangzhou Community Social Work

Posted on:2015-06-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330434965214Subject:Social Work
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the transformation of government functions, and social function break away fromenterprise, the public affairs intertwined with residents in the past have to be solved by thecommunity. The community has become the basis of urban social work, community servicehas become an important industry to improve the quality of urban life to a large extent thelevel of community social work decides the common people’s happiness. In order to improvethe efficiency, Guangzhou government sink the public service resource and introducing socialorganizations to provide professional services, put forward using the “linkage of community,social organization and social workers” mechanism to promote construction of communityservice, meet the demand of residents’ different levels of service. This linkage mechanismmeans through community construction, the modern system of social work and socialorganizations to form together, complementary advantages, resource sharing, a good situationof common progress, speed up the formation of linked to each other. So we can prevent andsolve many social problems and conflicts, realize the harmonious happy development ofsociety and community.This paper insight into the current situation of the construction of community social workin Guangzhou, and a brief combing the current situation of the Guangzhou linkagemechanism and the present situation of the community of social work, and find out theexisting problems and reasons and put forward their own thinking and Suggestions. Due toShenzhen put forward this linkage mechanism to promote community governance earlier, thisarticle based on the experience of Shenzhen using linkage mechanism to study Guangzhoulinkage mechanism to promote the development of social work community. AlthoughGuangzhou community social work has obtained the citizens’ recognition and praise, but stillshow the community autonomy in urban community work enough heavy administrative tasks,community residents’ committees, community to cope with check and go through the motions,the community social organizations development immature, residents to participate in socialconstruction enthusiasm is not high, the social work profession is not strong wait for all sortsof problems. This needs the government, the community residents, social organizations andmultilateral coordination, establish and improve the leadership system, perfecting the policy system, building public service brand, create social organizations incubation aspects such aswork platform, stimulate the enthusiasm of the residents’ community participation,construction of urban community happiness together.In this paper, from the perspective of linkage mechanism to Guangzhou linkage analysisof social work and community development, tries to reveal the inner operation mechanism ofthe three social linkage, based on the discussion, the mechanism elements at the same timecombined with Shenzhen linkage mechanism to promote the development of communitysocial work experience, to Guangzhou linkage mechanism to promote community social workdevelopment put forward some views.
Keywords/Search Tags:Linkage of Community, Social Organization and Social Workers, UrbanCommunity, Social Work, Social Organization
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