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Research On The Role Of Technology In The "Demographic Transition"

Posted on:2015-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D X WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330467490396Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There are two important factors that should not be avoided in studying "demographic transition":one is mortality rate, and the other is birth rate. And a consensus on this problem has been reached by international demography circle. When studying "demographic transition", we found that birth rate is gradually dropping along with the falling of the mortality rate, which finally results in demographic transition and that mortality rate is an antecedent factor in demographic transition of any country. Many reasons have caused the decrease of mortality rate and birth rate, of which technology is a factor that should never be neglected. At present, researchers have made a number of analysis and discussion on the causes for the decrease of mortality rate and birth rate from different perspectives, but few of them have analyzed the problem especially from technology. So in this paper, the author tries to discuss the role that technology plays in "demographic transition" from the perspective of technology and by taking the first demographic transition of Britain as the example and to draw some inspiration and suggestion from comparison between demographic transition in Britain and China. Accordingly, this paper is divided into four parts:Chapter1:Introduction, including the problem to be researched, research emphasis and research difficulties; purpose and significance of the study.Chapter2:Relationship between Demographic Transition and mortality&Birth RateChapter3:Relationship between Technology and Demographic TransitionChapter4:discuss the role that technology plays in the decrease of mortality rate in Britain, including status and reason analysis on mortality rate decrease (the reasons include technological reasons and non-technological reasons as well as the interaction between technological reasons and non-technological elements).Chapter5:discuss the role that technology plays in the decrease of birth rate in Britain, including status and reason analysis on birth rate decrease (the reasons also include technological reasons and non-technological reasons as well as the interaction between technological reasons and non-technological elements).Chapter6:compare the roles that technology plays respectively in demographic transition in Britain and that in China and draw the conclusion through this comparison.
Keywords/Search Tags:demographic transition, the level of death, fertility level, technology
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