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Research On The Policy Of Keeping Constant The Food Price In University Canteen

Posted on:2015-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J C LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330473450508Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to the statistics, the university students on campus in China amount to 25,000,000 in 2012, who serve as a huge and special social group. At present, As the social reform and development remain inadequate, the food price in university canteens becomes a focus of students, as well as the sensitive issue in university logistics administration. The fluctuation of food price in university canteens becomes the scapegoat for the discontents that the university students held toward the university, thus trigger the instability in the university. To stabilize the university canteen will be a must for university stability, furthermore, the stability of society in China. The most prominent problem in university canteen’s operation lies in fluctuation of food price. Currently, the price of raw material and human labor for university canteen kept rising year after year, which led to the increasing of the operational cost. To attain the social stability, the government requires the food price of university canteen remain steady by means of offering to university canteen economical subsidy, discount to the energy price and tax exemption. It means that no matter how rapid the cost increases, the food price in university canteen can not go up but go down. The current measures that the government took can not offset the influence from the cost rise of raw material and labor. It is also against the university goal of offering students all-round education as well as the law of social development.In the days that the market economy gains constant development, the government requires to maintain the food quality and price so that the students can not find any excuse for disturbance. To keep the food quality is a must, however, it’s impossible and against the market to keep constant the food price in university canteen. All the current measures have their own weakness and one-sidedness, which fail to integrate the non-profiting and regular operation of university canteen into an organic one. Therefore, the government, the university and the students should try to achieve a consensus through negotiation under the guideline of healthy growth for both university and students.This thesis, starting from perspective of scientific development, carries out a survey through literature study and on-the-spot investigation on the fluctuation of food price and cost-keeping in university canteen resulting from the rapid increasing cost of raw material and human labor, as well as on the corresponding measures that universities have taken. Moreover, it employs the NPO management theory, theory of game and theory of coordination to look into the underlying reasons for the non-efficient, unsystematic and one-sided current measures. On basis of that, it proposes long-term sustainable strategy to overcome the negative effect on university stability out of fluctuation of food price.
Keywords/Search Tags:university canteen, food price, measures
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