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Research On Current Situation And Countermeasures Of Teacher Resources Allocation In Urban And Rural Compulsory Education

Posted on:2017-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330482980160Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Education is fundamental. The balanced development of education is a hot issue in today’s society. Educational equity is the foundation of social equity. Only by promoting educational equity to make every child a useful talent can we make the people satisfied. Teacher resource is the first resource in school which has a decisive influence on the level of school running and the quality of Education. Compulsory education is the starting point of education, which plays an important role in the growth and development of students. So the balance of teacher resources in the compulsory education stage should be the focus of attention.In recent years, we have carried out a lot of positive research on the urban and rural differences in the allocation of the resources of compulsory education teachers, and have achieved many results. But it is still quite obvious that urban and rural compulsory education teacher resources are not balanced distribution of the situation. The unbalanced development of urban and rural teacher resources is a difficult problem for the balanced allocation of teachers. This paper attempts to analyze the current situation and causes of the imbalance of teacher resources in the compulsory education stage of Handan, and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions.This paper is divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction. It is mainly the background, purpose, significance, research methods, key points and difficulties of the research and the current situation of the research on the balanced development of compulsory education teacher resources at home and abroad. The second part is to define the concept of urban and rural, compulsory education, teacher resources, balance and so on. Introducing the theoretical tools used in this paper. The objectives and measurement methods of the balanced development of compulsory education are described. The third part is about the present situation of handan city urban and rural compulsory education teacher resources investigation and analysis. Respectively on the number of teachers, teacher ratio between rural and urban areas, education structure, title structure and other aspects of comparison, found number of teacher resources distribution uneven, uneven quality, unreasonable age structure and dynamic imbalance and other four aspects of the problem. The fourth part analysis the possibility of the cause of the imbalance. Among them, the urban and rural dual structure is the root cause of the teacher resources imbalance between urban and rural areas, the policy guidance of tilt, inadequate enforcement system is not perfect and also constitutes the important reasons. Teachers’ personal choice is the direct cause of the current imbalance situation. The fifth part is based on the analysis of the reasons put forward the corresponding feasibility and targeted countermeasures. Mainly is to promote the integration of urban and rural education development, on the relevant policy formulation, implementation and supervision based on the principle of highlighting fairness, reasonable teachers establishment standard, pay attention to the new teachers in rural areas and on-the-job teachers’ training, improve the level of rural teachers’ security, realize the rational and orderly flow of teachers between urban and rural, and improve the mechanism of rural teachers supplement. The sixth part is the conclusion of the study. This paper argues that there are structural differences in the age, educational background and professional title of teachers between urban and rural areas. And the rural school teachers are in a comprehensive disadvantaged position which is very detrimental to the overall development of people. To solve this dilemma requires the government, schools and all aspects of the community pay efforts, especially the education authorities, should come up with a targeted and feasible approach. In this way the sun can shine on the rural teachers, students and parents, so as to promote the harmonious development of society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban-rural, compulsory-education, Teacher-resources, Equilibrium-configuration
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