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Research And Implementation On Trajectory Planning Algorithm Of Industrial Robot

Posted on:2015-10-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330422479493Subject:Computer Science and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Industrial robots has become an indispensable part of modern industry at present,it is very important to study trajectory planning of industrial robots. Based on thisbackground, trajectory planning method was studied for the SCARA industrial robot onSIEMENS840D CNC system. The SIEMENS840D CNC system is a very mature CNCsystem, it provides a complete solution of control and trajectory planning for industrialrobot. As pivotal industrial robot in assembly market, SCARA robot will has a rapidgrowth in the next few years. So that study SCARA robot has important significance forthe future development of China’s robot market.Firstly, a general description of the position and orientation was studied and analyzedfor Industrial robots, and the mathematical background was described to establishhomogeneous transformation matrix. The DH parameters of industrial robots wasdiscussed, and homogeneous transformation matrix was established with the DHparameters, and it was applied to solve Forward and Inverse Kinematics. Two commonmethod was introduced about trajectory planning: in Cartesian Coordinates and in JointCoordinates. There are many difficulties for trajectory planning in Cartesian coordinates,and a method is proposed for trajectory planning in Joint Coordinates with840D system.Mathematical Model was established and analyzed for the specific SCARA robot, itwas pointed that SCARA robot can be divided into a z-axis direction translation joint anda4-DOF child robot. Then, the trajectory planning method was studied for the4-DOFchild robot with Quintic Polynomial curve, and the trajectory of angle, velocity,acceleration was drawn for all joints and the trajectory of the flange. The RoboticsToolbox was improved for5-DOF SCARA robot, and the trajectory planning algorithmwas proposed for the simulation, to verify the feasibility and correctness of the algorithm.After that, the design and configuration was introduced on “The handling transformationpackage” of840D CNC system, and customize configuration was executed for thespecific SCARA robot.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrial robots, 840D, SCARArobot, trajectory planning
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