MEMS accelerometer sensor is critical infrastructure components in inertialnavigation, inertial guidance systems and other military fields. It is also widely used inmedical devices, consumer electronics, automotive safety andother civilianareas.Acousto-optic MEMS acceleration sensor is a new sensor to detect theacceleration using the principle of sound and light interaction. Aiming at the generaldesign requirements of a micro-accelerometer based on sound and light effects, thispaper proposes an SAW Raman acousto-optic frequency shifter based on ST quartz andcompletes its design and simulation. It has important application background.This paper focuses on researching relevant basic theory, simulation design,processing and testing methods of the SAW Raman-type acousto-optic frequency shifter.By calculating the SAW propagation characteristics in ZnO-SiO2-Si multilayerstructures using recursion progressive method, it proposes the structure design of SAWRaman-type acousto-optic frequency shifter based on ST quartz. Simulatingperformances of the SAW resonator using COM software, it optimizes the structureparameters to meet requirements of Raman-nath sound and light diffraction and gets theoptimized structural parameters of the resonator. It designs the single mode rectangularwaveguide using effective index method. Two type prototype of frequency shifter aremanufactured using micro-machining (MEMS) technology and their characteristics aretested. The main research works of this paper are as follows:â‘ The domestic and international research statuses of acousto-optic frequencyshifter are analyzed and the basic theories related are researched. By optimizing andimproving the structure of ZnO-SiO2-Si multilayer structural frequency shifter pre-madeby Microsystem Research Center of Chongqing University, it proposes the structure ofSAW Raman-type acousto-optic frequency shifter based on ST quartz to meet therequirements of the accelerometer sensor;â‘¡Performances of the double-ended SAW resonator are simulated using COMtheories. The phase velocity dispersion curves and attenuation curves of SAW in metalgate array are analyzed using the FEMSDA software; Combined with the P matrixalgorithm, the main structural parameters are designed using COM software;Researching design methods and materials type of planar waveguide to determine thetype and material of the optical waveguide, single mode rectangular waveguide-buriedis designed using effective index method;â‘¢The main process of frequency shifter is proposed. The interdigital transducer(IDT) and reflectors are fabricated on quartz substrate; SiO2films are fabricated onquartz to form the optical waveguide by PECVD and dry reactive ion etching (RIE);Two type prototype of the SAW Raman-type acousto-optic frequency shifter aredeveloped;â‘£The performances of SAW acousto-optic frequency shifter prototype are testedand analyzed. The resonance characteristics of the SAW resonator are tested usingnetwork analyzer; The test platform of the frequency shifter is built and characteristicsof the frequency shifter prototype are tested; The application performances of theacousto-optic frequency shifter in the acceleration sensor are also tested. The test resultsshow that the frequency shifter developed can achieve design requirements of theacousto-optic acceleration sensor. |