As s typical automation equipment, industrial robot promotes thedevelopment of almost all the social sectors tremendously in theeconomic activities.With the advantage of low cost and high productionefficiency, palletizing robot liberates workers from heavy labor.Especially in warehousing and distribution, the production of palletizingrobot determines the cargo throughput. Many researchers study the roboton how to increase its production and reduce its energy consumption.Specially, there are less labors than before, constrasting to need more, inChina currently. Due to this, it is more significate to study thepalletiziong robot.This paper mainly focuses on the research of algorithms in trajetoryplanning. To achieve this goal, this paper will introduce the designing ofrobot’s system and its implementation. Fistly, by analysing the latesttrendency of reuqirement and development in China, the paper studies thepriciple of AC governing system based on MITSUBISHI Servo Systemwhich is used in this project and models the robot from the aspect ofelectric driving. Because solving the kinematic problems should based onspecific robot, the palletizing robot designed by Guangdong MechineryResearch Institute is choosed as the mechanical model and its dynamicequation is gained.Given the prior knowledge above, trajectory planning algorithms arefollowed. Begin with the traditional algorithms, such as Linear algoritm,Cubic algorithm and Polynomial, the special functions such asTrigonometric functions and exponential functions that can be used intrajectory planning are followed. Also this paper presents a new dynamictrajectory planning algorithm that considers all the factors such as Servo Motor during the operation of robot. Along all the algorithms, the paperpresents a most improtant Evaluation Model that can be used to evaluateall the algorithms used in the trajectroy planning. Upon the model, themost suitable algorithm can be selected to a certain task.To examine all the algorithms as well as the Evaluation Model, aswell as apply the achievements to the reality, the software system isdesigned and coded to control the robot. In this end, to prove therationality of the algorithms and the evaluation modle, some experimentsare presented. |