Research And Application Of Electromagnetic Band Gap And Artificial Magnetic Conductor |
Posted on:2015-07-26 | Degree:Master | Type:Thesis |
Country:China | Candidate:H Y Zhou | Full Text:PDF |
GTID:2298330467964738 | Subject:Electromagnetic field and microwave technology |
Abstract/Summary: | PDF Full Text Request |
In recent years, the electromagnetic band gap structure (EBG) and the artificial magneticconductor structure (AMC) have been widely investigated in the area of microwave and millimeterwave technology as one of hot topics. This thesis studies the existence of the virtual magnetic walland the microstrip patch antenna with square patch structure and ground etching techniques.This thesis introduces the mechanism of EBG structures firstly, which can prevent thepropagation of electromagnetic waves in certain frequency bands because of Bragg scattering.Artificial magnetic conductor structure under resonant conditions can achieve the same phasereflection in certain frequency bands and may also prevent the spread of electromagnetic waveswhich are introduced secondly. The UC-PBG structure which has EBG and AMC feature is used toconstruct the virtual magnetic wall and the results of two different simulations confirm its presence.The square patch structure can show the characteristics of artificial magnetic conductor within awide frequency band in the case of different incident angles. Ground etching structure within acertain frequency range may prevent the propagation of electromagnetic wave effectively. They canbe applied to the microstrip antenna to improve its properties because the ground etching structurecan suppress harmonic wave effectively and the square patch structure can increase the gain. Theproperties of the ordinary microstrip patch antenna and the microstrip antenna with square patchstructure and ground etching techniques are compared by the use of simulation software and theperformance of the latter improves obviously. The microstrip antenna with square patch structureand ground etching techniques is also be processed and tested. |
Keywords/Search Tags: | Electromagnetic band gap, Artificial magnetic conductor, Virtual magnetic wall, High-gain antenna |
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