The Technology of Large and Complex Workpiece Spraying Robot Trajectory planning is a very important thing for Industrial robot control system. At present domestic for large complex artifacts such as robot spraying are mostly adopt the method of artificial teaching robot trajectory, the writing of the procedure depends on the experience level of programmers. For large complex artifacts,waste a lot of manpower and material resources.It needs to find an efficient off-line Trajectory planning technology. This article is based on subdivision principle theory. To find spraying trajectory planning method and the application of MATLAB to calculate then to simulation in the robot simulation environment and finally validation method is feasible trough practice.The rules of this method for large complex workpiece shape spraying surface. Collected several feature points. Established by the method of mathematical spraying surface, automatic spraying trajectory calculation.For complex irregular surface First to collect to track the path points, later using laser tracker to coordinate values and attitude value acquisition target in the actual work environment, but in the offline environment, we need to build a model, use the model of built-in tools "compass" acquisition to the target point to calculate coordinate values and attitude values. Then the robot trajectory planning work are Completed.Collecting data points through MATLAB interpolation calculation into the simulation environment, the path points associated robot trajectory, the offline simulation of the generated executable language robot. According to the different brands of the robot controller programming rules make a little change The robot trajectory planning work was completed it can be run after the Robot procedure into a real robot controller and run to finish painting job. it is concluded that the method is feasible Through the preliminary engineering... |