Wheel- legged robot combines wheeled mobile robot’s characteristic of moving fast, flexible with legged mobile robot’s strong obstacle ability characteristic, it applications more widely and plays an irreplaceable role. This dissertation is derived from “rescue system for leakage monitoring & warning and accident in wide area hazardous environmentsâ€, supported by Tianjin Science and Technology program. Stability is an important indicator of operating performance of the mobile robot, This topic according to operation under the actual environment, studies focusing on the robot’s movement ability, posture change and stability.For structure design and working form of the robot platform, having analysis of the robot how to estimate the contact Angle of the wheel, by using the method of coordinate transformation analysis the robot’s kinematics, kinematics analysis mainly for the kinematics of contact points and the kinematics of center of mass. Due to the robot configuration variable, aiming at different working conditions, introduce robot obstacle-navigation under different terrain. Analyzed robot’s platform posture control method through swing legs under the special terrainHave an analysis of robot’s condition of inclusion and move ability under terrain. studied the inclusion of terrain conditions on facing the steps, convex platform, groove and small obstacles, analysis of the robot’s movement ability of directly through the terrain if not depend on the swing the influence of various factors. Analyzed the robot’s movement ability and the largest stable Angle on slope, mainly from the perspective of force and moment. Have an analysis of the influence of the posture change on the robot movement.Describes the early research of the robot stability and the existing method of determining the stability of the system to summarize and compare the simulation to determine the scope and the advantages and disadvantages of each method and simulation. Platform for research in this paper, combined with domestic and international research, and consider the impact of external torque disturbance of stability, innovation proposed an improved method for determining the stability FASM. Static stability and dynamic stability analysis and simulation of the robot. Robot work in the actual state of the simulation using ADAMS software, draw a robot running data under different conditions, the robot structure optimization analysis. |