The subject makes the brief summary to the birth background of life insurance,methods of the research, the characteristics and applicational deficiencies of actuarialtechniques in China, and the significance of life insurance actuarial technology to China’seconomic development. The thesis discusses in detail the theoretical knowledge of actuarialtheory, including the knowledge of interest, annuity, the survival distribution function, thelife table; this thesis also summaries the actuarial present value of life insurance, thebalanced pure insurance premium. and the reserves. For researching the family combinedinsurance which at least one person is the only child in the couple, this thesis builds themultiple life function model of life insurance.The thesis is divided into four parts.Chapter One makes the detailed summary to the elementary knowledge, the birth andthe development of insurance;introduces the development and deficiencies of the domesticlife insurance; the thesis also provides relevant suggestions on the life actuarialdevelopment in the future.Chapter Two makes the detailed summary to interest theory, annuity theory, life model,life table function, including all kinds of interest, various types of pension, survival modelconstruction and expatiates life table functions in detail, illustrating the specific life table asthe analysis object, and describing the various parameters in life table.Chapter Three the concept of the premium and the actuarial present value, as well asmake the detailed summary to the main kind of insurance that the pure insurance premiumand the balanced pure insurance premium. At last, the chapter summarizes the actuarialpresent value for the different survival annuity, and the methods of calculating reservesChapter Four is the chapter of this thesis most of independent innovation. Firstly, thefamily status which at least one person is the only child in the couple were analyzed in thispart, builds the multiple life function model of life insurance to research the familycombined insurance. Finally, the actuarial present value on the life insurance and annuityare calculated.Chapter Five is the summary of this thesis and outlook of the development of lifeinsurance actuarial in our country. |