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The Analysis Of Crowdfunding-model Of Dajiatou Website

Posted on:2015-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, the development of Internet finance is in a boom, its convenienceand quickness on has a huge impact on people. It is not only as a supplement to theoff-line of business, there are also many innovation on the online business. As one of theinnovations, crowdfunding business model make it real to raise money from a largecrowd of people for one project via internet. It is also an approach to connect the smallcompany with private capital. The small company find it hard to raise money in its seedstage while the private capital searching its way to invest. Crowdfunding is certainly agood way to solve the problem. But there are a lot of issues to be discussed in theoperation of Crowdfunding.The first part of this issue discuss about the origin and definition of crowdfunding,and the other aspects of crowdfunding such as the character, development situation,successful case study, and the development of crowdfunding in China. The scale andmode of crowdfunding are also included. The second part of the issue selected "Dajiatou"website as a case to analysis, because of it is an equity-type crowdfunding website inChina. In its operation,it make innovation in solving asymmetric information, riskdiversification and other issues, using the " lead investor&following investor" mode tobuild up limited partnership company, developing "Toufubao" business with the bank,which is really a good approach in the development of crowdfunding. And it is a goodexample for other websites. The third part of the issue,the goodness of crowdfunding isdiscussed, it also plays a good role in solving the problem in raising money ofmicro-company, it makes an approach in personal capital and micro-company. Thelimited partnership system is a good incentive mechanism, flexible mode of operationand has tax advantages. For the fourth part of the congregation raised the issue in thedevelopment of crowdfunding. The fifth part of the issue, in reference to foreignlegislative experience and according to our local characteristics, specific proposals israised for the development of crowdfunding.
Keywords/Search Tags:Crowdfunding, Internet finance, Limited partnership
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