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Countcrmeasure Reseacrh On The Service Quality And Consumer Satisfaction Improvement Of Internet Banking

Posted on:2015-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y LiuFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of information technology, the market graduallydeepening globalization, the Internet has become an important tool in business competition,the world is becoming a comprehensive market buyers and sellers.Two decades on, thenetwork promotes the transformation of banking, bank products and services to electronicform. Developed countries and some developing countries started offering online bankingservices to the bank by utilizing the advantage of the Internet to increase market share andexpand the amount of customers, and for the bank on the net, expand customer andmaintain its stability of top priority is to provide satisfactory service to customers. Only theservice center set up in the customer’s point of view, the bank on the net is possible in theincreasingly fierce com-petition in today’s survival and development.At present domestic customer satisfaction of online banking service quality evaluationmainly concentrated in the theory research, the study of online banking customersatisfaction model and index system is not perfect, the purpose is to understand the basicsituation of online banking in China at present, find the existing problems of the bank onthe net, analyzing the main factors influencing the degree of satisfaction, and then indicatethe direction to improve customer satisfaction of the bank on the net.In order to better analyze our country’s online banking service quality satisfaction, Iread a lot of related literature at home and abroad. First of all, summary the researchachievements of previous scholars, considering the present situation of our online banking.Second, the small sample investigation of the questionnaire, survey results, analysisthe rationality and validity of the questionnaire indicators, screening to determine the finalversion of the questionnaire. Again, the final version of the questionnaire reliability andvalidity test, puts forward assumptions. Finally, according to the statistics of large sampledata to evaluate satisfaction, and to verify this hypothesis.In this article, through factor analysis and correlation analysis was carried out on thequestionnaire survey data found that the influence of Internet banking service qualitycustomer satisfaction6was a positive correlation factor and the overall satisfaction of thecustomer relationship; The customers are more concerned about safety and convenient onthese two factors, customer satisfaction is relatively high, the responsiveness, security,empathic factors on satisfaction score is low. Finally in discussing the Internet bankingservice quality customer satisfaction factors, on the basis of put forward the correspondingcountermeasures.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-bank, The quality of service, Customer satisfaction
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