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The Research Of The Situation And Development Of Green Recycling Agriculture In Henan Province

Posted on:2015-08-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434460441Subject:Agricultural science and technology organizations and services
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sustainable development refers to the development of the agricultural cycle ofgreen agriculture, which holds scientific concepts over the entire agricultural processresulting in none environmental pollution, no agro-ecological destruction, no threatsto the survival of the human environment, no harm to the survival of futuregenerations. The purpose of sustainable development is to achieve a virtuous cycleof ecological, social, economic, and harmonious development between man andnature. Green recycling agriculture refers to agriculture as a whole includingagriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, as of grand system engineering,green economy, a core component of a recycling economy and green recyclingindustry. This paper studies the green recycle of agriculture, in terms of its ecologicaland economic theories as guides to the development of green agriculture and theconstruction of economical cycle of agriculture in order to develop high-tech and highvalue-added processing of agricultural products. The paper discusses many angles toexplore green pollution-free agricultural production cycle, green, organic foods andother green agricultural products, and ultimately the meaning of sustainableagricultural development, and advanced agricultural economy harmoniousdevelopment between man and nature.The paper further focus on measures and methods to research the development ofgreen cycle of agricultural. This paper summarizes the current situation and problemsof agricultural development, and an example of Agricultural green recycling greenrecycling agricultural policy were introduced, and then the paper analyzes a series ofmeasures to promote green Henan circulation and healthy development of agriculture.The main contents of about four parts:Part I: The main loop of the basic theory of green agriculture were studied. Themain part of the concept of green recycling agriculture, features, functions andsignificance were analyzed, discussed the guiding principles of green building cycleand agriculture. Part II: The main loop of the green development of agriculture in HenanProvince are described. The green part of the cycle from Henan Agricultural overallsituation and policy-oriented start using the case method of analysis, the focus ofanalysis, and the green circle Henan Agricultural Problems were analyzed.Part III: mainly green cycle of agricultural development in the country andabroad were systematically analyzed. This section lists a large number of domesticand foreign agricultural success stories of green cycle, combined cycle Henan GreenAgriculture Development comparison reference.Part IV: Henan green circle for agriculture in the developing problems fromwidely publicized green circular agriculture, increase the technology content, thedevelopment of green recycling agricultural enterprises and other aspects of starting afeasible countermeasures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Henan Province, Green recycling agriculture, problems, countermeasure
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