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The Impact Of Interactivity Between Companies And Consumers On Initial Trust Of E-commerce

Posted on:2015-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This study reports evidence suggesting that interactivity increases initial trust in aB2C internet environment through the seller’s assistive intent, but this effect isattenuated by betrayal aversion. First it characterizes perceived interactivity, initialtrust, perceived seller’s assistive intent, and betrayal aversion. Second, it constructsa model incorporating findings in psychology and behavioral economics in which theseller’s assistive intent is a mediator variable between interactivity and initial trustwhile betrayal aversion is a moderator variable. Third, it develops an onlinequestionnaire to test the model’s predictions and reports evidence supporting itstheoretical value and practical significance. Finally, the study suggests some lines forfuture research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Perceived Interactivity, Initial Trust, Perceived Seller’s Assistive Intent, Betrayal Aversion
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