Waste household Appliances contain many harmful substances. If handled improperly, thesesubstances will be released into the environment, cause pollution to the environment, and mayeven endanger human health. At present, China has entered the peak period of scrappedappliances. We have also established some normal recycling processing mechanism about wastehousehold appliances in some cities, but most of these mechanism are faced with the problem ofthe shortage of the waste home appliances and low efficiency etc.. We need to form a rationalstructure of the reverse supply chain and integrate resources to achieve the best benefit state. Community residents are the starting point of the waste household appliance chain. Theirbehavior and attitude directly affect the smooth implementation of the policy of waste householdappliances recycling,so the survey on the influence factors of consumer behavior on wastehousehold appliance is very important.By reference to the relevant literature and interviewing experts and community residents inthis study, I obtained the main factors of consumer behavior on waste household appliance.Build a theoretical model of consumer behavior on waste home appliance recycling, based on thetheory of planned behavior (TPB). Using SPSS software combined with the method of factoranalysis, reliability and validity of the questionnaire were checked. Established structuralequation about the influence factors of consumer behavior on waste household appliance and fitthe data and the model using AMOS software model. According to the results of fitting and theregression analysis, explored the relationship between the main potential variables andobservation variables, and identified the factors which has significant effect or non significantfactors and explained the reasons. I revealed the relationship between the important factorswhich impact the consumer behavior of recycling waste household appliances by explaining theweight of the main regression path. At the same time also explored difference path caused bydifferences in demographic characteristics.The results show that: behavioral attitude, behavioral norm and recycling habits have asignificant impact to the consumer behavior of recycling waste household appliances. To acertain extent economic factors have an effect on the consumer behavior of recycling.Environmental knowledge has no direct effect on behavior of recycling, but it affects therecovery act indirectly through the behavioral attitude; service incentive, behavior control,economic cost and subjective norm had no significant effects on consumer recycling behavior;there are some differences caused by the different consumer groups with different demographiccharacteristics in the partial regression path. According to the research results, put forward the following suggestions: firstly, strengthenpublicity on the knowledge of environmental protection and recovery of information; secondly,accelerate the formulation of legal norms about the waste home appliance recycling; add propertreatment cost in the product cost; improve the recycling system, continue to enhance servicequality and speed up construction process on the community normal recovery mechanism. |