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Study On The Influence Factors Of Employee Salary Satisfaction Of Logistics Enterprises

Posted on:2016-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N N JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330473461938Subject:Logistics engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of our economy and the increase of Living standards and the cost, employee demand for high salaries, which leads to the enterprise labor cost getting higher and higher. For the development talent as the core competitiveness of enterprises of enterprises have a vital role. So raising the salary management level, enhance employee satisfaction, attract and retain talents has become a major problem facing the development of the enterprise.With the vigorous development e-commerce and the economic globalization, logistics plays a more and more important role in economic development. the level of development of enterprises determined by Enterprise human resources management level, as an important tool the salary management is an important part of modern enterprise human resources. To improve the enterprise’s salary satisfaction is an important target of enterprises salary management,Determine the factors affection of employee satisfaction scientificiy and accuratiy is the key to improve the work of enterprise employee salary satisfaction degree.This paper attempts to analyze a screening of employee satisfaction influence factors index system suitabe for logistics enterprises, and makes the empirical research on the JH logistics company, hope to have theoretical and practical significance to improve employee pay satisfaction of logistics enterprise.Based on the concept of related factors on the employees’ satisfaction and the research situation at home and abroad, analysis the influence factors of employee satisfaction of logistics enterprises of our country, the construction of index system of factors affecting employee satisfaction of logistics enterprisesBased on the Carding of the concept of related factors on the employees’ satisfaction and research situation at home and abroad on carding, analysis the influence factors of employee satisfaction of logistics enterprises of our country, construct the index system of influence factors of employee satisfaction. Taking the JH logistics company interview data of enterprise as an example. Using the result of the structural equation model analysis on pay satisfaction of logistics enterprise factors,to put forward countermeasures to improve the salary management of JH company and related.
Keywords/Search Tags:Salary satisfaction, Influence factors, Logistics enterprise, Structure equation model
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