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The Comparison Of Chinese And Russian Small Entities’ Accounting Regulations And Proposals To Russian Accounting Standards

Posted on:2014-11-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:E G ( K a z a k S e r g e y Full Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Russian Federation already have a set of accounting standards, but this standards are aimed to public companies or companies with big scale, this standards do not take into consideration the needs of a companies with a smaller scale, so it leads to some sort if contradiction, small and micro entities have to spent a lot of efforts to hold an accounting system they do not need, because it does not fulfill their requirements. Some countries and accounting organizations already learnt and examined small entities accounting standards. After Chinese small entities accounting standards were applied a lot of small companies start to use it, displaying first results, this results is a great material for researchers all over the world. Nowadays Russian accounting system is on developing stage, so according to small eentities accounting system China’s and other world’s experience has a great value for Russian small enterprises accounting system.This paper gives most emphases on description of some European countries, USA and Worldwide accounting organizations measures for developing and implementing small enterprises accounting system, it is also has a part of studying Chinese small enterprises standards main statements and designing process. The main aim of this paper is to describes Russian small enterprises accounting regulations nowadays condition, describes some aspects of the small enterprise accounting reform. The biggest part of this paper is about comparison of Chinese and Russian small enterprises accounting standards, dividing into several parts, accounting standard designing process comparison, comparison of main statements etc.The conclusion of the paper is that Russian small enterprises accounting system has several problems that should be solved. The low level of quality of a small enterprises accounting regulation leads to delay of Russian small enterprises development, and also leads to a big stagnation of Russian economy. In order to make successful small enterprises accounting system Russian Federation can learn a great experience of China and all World in this sphere, as decrease the differences between accounting and tax accounting, when designing small enterprises accounting system should take into consideration opinion of most important users of financial report, financial report papers and accounting method should be eased. Some of preliminary works also should be done, the deep study of all Russian small enterprises on subject of theirs attitude to nowadays small enterprise accounting regulations, worldwide experience should be examined and new accounting principles should be considered, the basis of Russian accounting system also need improvement and concretization and the level of Russian small enterprise accouters should be dramatically increased. All this measures should be done before implementing Russian small enterprises accounting standard in order to guarantee it success.
Keywords/Search Tags:Russia, Chinese small enterprises accounting regulations, worldwide small enterprises accounting standards, Russian small enterprises accounting regulations
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