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Research On Theme Hotel Localization Development Strategy In China

Posted on:2015-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330479451335Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The theme hotel reflects the hotel architecture style and decorative arts in a particular subject, as well as the specific culture atmosphere, so that the customer get rich individuality culture experience; At the same time the service items will be integrated into the theme, and replace General Services with Personalized service, in order to let the customer gain pleasure, knowledge and stimulate. The emergence of theme hotel provides a new idea for the development of China hotel industry, is the inevitable choice for the future development of the China hotel industry. As a hotel format, theme hotel has been very mature in foreign countries; it is still in the initial stage in China. China’s sustained economic development has brought a strong upward space to domestic consumer market; the theme hotel has a huge developing space in Chinese market as well.During the Chinese localization development process of theme hotel business model, there are many problems, such as lack of innovation, market positioning error, and the deviation of regional environmental coordination etc.. This paper will launch the idea on the localization strategy of the domestic theme hotel management, based on summarizing the Christine hotel operation strategy, combined with foreign theme hotel management experience, in order to provide beneficial enlightenment for the domestic theme hotel operation.Using the research methods of combination of theoretical research and empirical analysis, this article conducts the research from following several aspects. Firstly, tease the existing research, discusses from four aspects,such as the basic attributes, the theme of the hotel the domestic and foreign research situation and development strategy and hotel consumption trend, theoretical system to study the localization of the theme hotel development. Secondly, analyzes the localization of theme hotel development present situation, reviews the theme hotel in the domestic and international development process, analyzes the characteristics of development, including the theme, style diversification personalized, low degree of chain, points out the outstanding problems existing in the development of the localization. Thirdly, this thesis analyzes the influence factors of theme hotel localization development, External factors include regional environmental factors, cultural factors, competitive factors, customers and government factors; Internal factors including theme, facilities and management factors. Finally, giving a living example for theme hotel localization development analysis, from the external environment analysis(location),theme culture construction, service mode and idea, efficient service process on customer and human resources development strategy of Christian’s Hotel, the paper summaries its experience in the localization development, also validates the front part of the research results. Human resources development strategy, which is the support of the whole localization development support, is the base layer; Service mode and concept, theme culture construction has a direct effect on service process, which constitutes the core of strategy; Customer evaluation and financial index form the target layer of the strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese localization, Theme hotel, Luoyang Christian’s Hotel
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