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Research On Impact Of Tax Preference Policies And Government Subsidies Of Our Country On Technology Innovation In Hi-tech Enterprises

Posted on:2016-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From the experience of economic development at home and abroad,technology innovation is the main driver of economic growth of a country.The innovation ability of a country depends on the science and technology innovation ability of domestic various relevant institutions,in which high-tech enterprises dominate.In order to improve its market share and market competitiveness,high-tech enterprises are dedicated to the development of unique and novel high-tech products.In the process, innovation ability get promoted throughout the country,national competitiveness is enhanced.Therefore,from the national level,it will be of great significance To promote the country’s economic growth and improve the country’s international competitiveness by encouraging the domestic high-tech enterprises increase investment in R&D and improve the R&D capabilities.This paper will mainly study the incentive effect of tax preference policies to promote high-tech enterprise innovation investment by theory and empirical analysis method from the microscopic angle.This paper will start with the principles of economics and analyze the incentive effect of tax preference and government subsidies this two kinds of policy tools to the R&D investment of high-tech enterprise, then Analyze the path of the tax preference and government subsidies influence the enterprise innovation by constructing tax incentive effect model on the basis of theoretical analysis.Then compare and analyze the present situation of domestic high-tech enterprise innovation from the aspects of enterprise innovation investment and international competitiveness and analyze tax preference policy in our country briefly.On the basis of the analysis above,this paper will do empirical analysis to test theoretical analysis by constructing model 、 screening samples and collecting data.This paper will use the data of 185 listed enterprises in SME board and GEM board during 2010 to 2013 as samples and the related research at home and abroad for reference.Then putting the R&D input as dependent variable,incentive factors of policy as independent variable and the other factors influencing the R&D investment as controlled variable, by which building the regression model for further research. In the process of research,this paper introduced the actual tax rate(ETR, effect tax rates) as a measure of income tax burden instead of using the enterprise income tax rate as a way of measure in some previous studies,which will make the actual tax burden of enterprise relatively accurate.Finally reach the conclusion: Firstly,tax preference can inspire enterprise R&D investment more effectively than government subsidies;Secondly,income tax can be more incentive to enterprise than turnover tax;Thirdly,the conflict called "system failure " between tax incentives policy and government subsidies policy does not exist,on the contrary,two kinds of policy tools can work together to form synergistic effect to inspire enterprise R&D investment.In the last part of the paper,in view of the deficiency of our current tax policy,the author will put forward some personal suggestions.Since China’s reform and opening up,the government has introduced a series of tax preference policies to promote the development of high-tech enterprises,which has played a positive role in promoting the growth of R&D investment of high-tech enterprises.The intensive and quantitative study of the incentive policies above can also provide reference for the establishment of tax policy for the next step.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tax preference, government subsidies, high-tech enterprise, R&D investment
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