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Study On The Efficiency Of Transformation And Upgrading Of Equipment Manufacturing Industry In Hebei Province

Posted on:2017-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330503982389Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The influence of the equipment manufacturing industry to the national economy is growing quickly in recent years. The equipment manufacturing industry has played a huge role in promoting China’s economic development. The equipment manufacturing industry is an important guarantee of national military security, and determines the upgrading of military equipment in China. Hebei province is a region with heavy industry in the early development. The development of the equipment manufacturing industry has played a pivotal role in the province’s economy. However, due to limited backward technology, outdated production equipment, a shortage of investment funds and other factors, the development of equipment manufacturing industry in Hebei Province is always value-added. Therefore, the need of the transformation and upgrading in equipment manufacturing industry is necessary to improve the processing capacity of the equipment manufacturing industry in Hebei province. In this paper, the efficiency of transformation and upgrading in equipment manufacturing industry is measured. And on the basis of the reasons of the low efficiency, response measures are raised in this paper.Firstly, the background, purpose and significance of the paper is introduced after combing a large number of documents. Then the definition and related theories of equipment manufacturing industry is described, as well as industrial transformation and upgrading. It is clear that the theoretical foundation is laid for writing.Secondly, the index system of transformation and upgrading in equipment manufacturing industry is designed. And according to the system, the DEA model is built.The basic principle of index selection is explained. Then the input and output indexes are selected on basis of the research content and the concept of each index. Finally, the model of the DEA method is determined and constructed.In addition, the efficiency of transformation and upgrading in Hebei province’s equipment manufacturing industry is measured.First, Hebei Province is compared with other 25 provinces in China. It is concluded that the relative position of Hebei Province. Second, the seven sub-sectors of equipment manufacturing industry is analyzed and compared. It is inferred the merits and shortcomings of the seven sub-sectors to supportfor the data analysis. Third, according to the result of DEA and development status of Hebei province, the reason of the low efficiency is concluded.Finally, by the analysis of the above results and problems, this paper sums up the countermeasure to improve the efficiency of the transformation and upgrading in equipment manufacturing industry, combining with the national development environment and the situation in Hebei Province.
Keywords/Search Tags:DEA, equipment manufacturing industry, efficiency of transformation and upgrading
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