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Fabrication Of PEEK-based Anion Exchange Membranes And Intensification Of Anion Conductive Capability

Posted on:2018-12-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2321330542460199Subject:chemical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As alternative energy conversion devices,fuel cells have drawn much attention in recent years due to the non-pollution and high energy efficiencies.Ion exchange membrane(IEMs)are the core components of fuel cells.The performance of IEMs determines the property of fuel cells.Hence,it is of vital importance to enhance IEMs performance.In this study,we have fabricated ImPEEK/PVI@CNT nanohybrid membranes,ImPEEK/NGO nanohybrid membranes and ImPEEK/IL@CNT nanohybrid membranes to control the chemical and physical microstructure and to enhance the property of membranes.The PVI@CNT was synthesized and incorporated into ImPEEK matrix to fabricate nanohybrid membranes.The imidazole groups of PVI@CNT could interact with chloromethyl groups in the polymer matrix,fabricating new nanochannels to enhancethehydroxideconductivity.Thehydroxideconductivityof ImPEEK/PVI@CNT-15 nanohybrid membrane was 53.1%higher than that of ImPEEK controlled membrane at 70 ?.Meanwhile,the alkaline stability and dimensional stability were enhanced.NGO materials were prepared and incorporated into ImPEEK to form nanohybrid membranes.The two-dimensional structure of NGO would fabricate new nanochannels to enhance hydroxyl ion transport.The hydroxide conductivity of ImPEEK/NGO-4 nanohybrid membrane was 68.7%higher than that of ImPEEK controlled membrane at 70 ?.Different kinds of IL@CNT were synthesized and incorporated into ImPEEK to prepare nanohybrid membranes.The incorporation of IL@CNT offered more hydroxyl ion transport sites and developed more continuous nanochannels.The hydroxide conductive capacity and the alkaline stability were improved.The hydroxide conductivity of ImPEEK/IL-B@CNT-6 nanohybrid membrane was 88.2%higher than that of ImPEEK controlled membrane at 70 ?.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fuel cell, Poly (ether ether ketone), Anion exchange membrane, Ion conductivity, Ion nanochannel
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