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The Ideological Resources And Artistic Features Of Ecological Prose

Posted on:2017-06-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D P WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512465772Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the nineties of the 20th century, the ecological environment problem was increasingly intensified,and the Western ecological literature ideological trend began pouring into China. In this case, the creation of ecological literature was emerging in mainland China,such as Ecological Reportage, Ecological Novels and Ecological Prose. At present, the Ecological Prose has been made some achievements,but the research on it is relatively few. Therefore, this paper will take the Ecological Prose as the research object, and explore the following related issues:First, the definition of Ecological Prose. Clear definition can determine the scope of the study. At present, the definition of Ecological Literature is different, and Wang Nuo’s definition has a certain representation. This article will refer to the relevant definition, and focus on the characteristics of the genre of prose, then try to make my own definition of Ecological Prose. Second, the ideological resource of the rise and development of ecological prose. Through the analysis of the influence of the western ecological literature and the ecological thoughts contained in the traditional culture of China, we can reveal the underlying reasons which make writers write Ecological Prose. Third, the artistic features of Ecological Prose, compared with other essays, such as "Cultural Prose", we can find the Ecological prose have a unique aesthetic pursuit,in terms of the image of subjectivity and vitality,as well as the poetic language of communication between the natural world and human spirit, and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Ecological Prose, The cultural resources, The aesthetic features
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