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Research On The Design Of Modern Men’s Brand Based On Taoist Philosophy

Posted on:2018-04-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330542474152Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Taoists have far-reaching influence on the aesthetic value and the development of the artistic conception on the art of our country,with its rich lonesome,elegant,and casual aesthetic & artistic conception and aesthetic taste.The aesthetic thought of philosophical category is the foundation of the design practice,which will make a subtle influence on the localization design work.As an important part of philosophy,Taoist aesthetics thoughts have been studied and applied in design activities long ago,but it seems to be applied in few field of clothing.This article attempts to explain the guiding significance of Taoist aesthetic thought on the construction of the design of clothing brand.This article is discussed in five parts.The first chapter mainly explains the background of the subject and the purpose and significance of the research.Besides,it introduces the content frame and the main research methods.The second chapter mainly starts from the origin of Taoism by analyzing the main philosophical thoughts of Taoism and summarizing the aesthetic characteristics of Taoist thought,and making the pretty firm theoretical foundation for the next step.The third chapter starts from the research on the development of men’s wear brand by discussing the feasibility and necessity of the construction of the men’s wear brand through the Taoist aesthetic thought and the research on the brand of "rhyme" at home and abroad.Besides it analyzes the aesthetics implication and application of the Taoist aesthetic thoughts in the construction of the brand and provides the experience and enlightenment for the problems in the process of brand construction.The fourth chapter mainly discusses the artistic analysis and aesthetic practice of Taoist aesthetic thought from the four perspectives of brand spirit,VI design,display space and costume design,and analyzes the rhythm and rhythm of brand building under the guidance of Taoist aesthetics Basic Criteria and Standards of Aesthetic Paradigm.The fifth chapter takes the original brand of the author as an example,and draws up and constructs the local men’s wear brand with Taoist aesthetic characteristics and aesthetic connotation according to the basic criteria and standards of designing the aesthetic paradigm of the brand.The six chapter summarizes the full text.Based on Taoist philosophy,the author can find a new opportunity for the inheritance and development of Taoist philosophy in the new century.On the other hand to form a setof scientific,complete,specific with the national characteristics of the brand building aesthetic paradigm,so as to build the basic principles and standards of aesthetic paradigm for the construction of scientific guidance brand to provide a theoretical basis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taoist aesthetic thought, inheritance and development, art analysis and aesthetic practice, brand building
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