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Some Issues Of Bian Jingzhao’s Lifetime And His Painting Activities

Posted on:2018-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P P ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330542476561Subject:Art theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Bian Jingzhao,word Wen Jin,whose ancestral home is in Longxi,had lived in Shaxian since he was born in Louyang.There might be a time between 1347 and 1355 when he was born,and the time he passed away might be before 1436.During period of Yong Le(about 1413),he entered the palace for serving the emperor.At first,he gained an occupation in the Ministry of works,and he once served as an academician waiting for orders and a leader of imperial guards after he got directly into palaces,such like Da Nei Jin Shen palace,Wen Hua palace,Wu Ying palace and so on,then he became a civilian when he was dismissed from his office because of his behavior of accepting bribes.As a painter who was working for royal court during the time of Yong Le and the time of Xuan De,which were in the initial period of the Ming Dynasty,his art creations could be divided into two sections,the inside of work and the outside of work.The thesis discusses the impact on imperial art academy and painters which was resulted from the royal family and National Academy acted as a power of politics and culture,by means of analyzing the general status of Mr.Bian ’ s social activities and his paintings created inside and outside of work.It would focus on Bian Jingzhao ’ s painting activities,meanwhile,in order to make the research of Bian Jingzhao ’ s creations closer to historical background of the Ming Dynasty,it would organize and study the background of settings,systems and duties of imperial art academy in the Ming Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bian Jingzhao, painting, friendship, leisure life, life occupation
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