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Sketch’s Influence On The Works "Winding Path Means Silent"

Posted on:2018-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GuanFull Text:PDF
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Any creative work that expresses its own value is inseparable from the process of observation,experience,and analysis of life and this is also the starting point for the artist to create.The study and creation of landscape painting can not be separted from the observation and experience of life either,and sketching is an important way to understand nature and study life.And it’s also the process of improving skills and tempering ourselves.Each of the outstanding works of the landscape are inseparable from the long-term sketch training,so that’s why I always put the sketch in the most important part of the creation process.I achieved the subjective and objective unity of the work by feeling the beauty of the nature from the mountains,the water,the flowers and the trees,by integrating my own emotions to sketch and also by feeling the unique charm of the nature with my whole heart.This is the theme of my creation as well.My graduation work "Winding path means silent" is painted on the basis of the sketch.I’ve sketched many times,which makes me have strong desire of showing the beauty of nature by using the appropriate ink.The accumulation of sketch material and the perception of the ever-changing nature facilitate the formation of my sketch style as well as my graduation works.This article elaborates from several aspects,such as the creational inspiration and the artistic expression.When I was doing my graduation work and writing the essay,I had more understanding about the sketch.What makes the artists’ works breathe and full of vitality is their courage of breaking into the traditional rules,coming into the nature and concerning about the nature.And it is just this kind of creation that makes sense.
Keywords/Search Tags:sketch, creation, nature inspiration, performance
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