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Research On The Legal Regulation Of The Relationship Between China’s Central Government And Local Governments In Macro-control

Posted on:2017-09-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330512965871Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is very important to take legal means to make necessary adjustments to Macro-control, which is an important way for the government to regulate the economy, in the period of market economy. Laws not only can regulate behaviors of governments in Macro-control, but also can ensure Macro-control policies can be implemented successfully, and even can improve the relations between central government and local governments. But, at this stage, the legal system of Macro-control is still far from perfect. For example, the distribution of administrative rights and financial rights between central government and local governments is lack of legal provisions, procedural norms is lack in the macro-control law system, legal responsibility system is unsound, and lack of an effective system of supervision. An incomplete legal system of Macro-control can not regulate behaviors of governments in Macro-control effectively. The central government will incline to make decisions without considering local realities. Local governments would also choose to have a game behavior with the central government for their local interests. And there are still serious problems in the Tiao-kuai relations. As a result, the tensions between central government and local governments are added. There are several measures can be taken to improve the legal system of Macro-control about the relationships between central government and local governments. First, we should improve the authority division system, and recognize provincial governments have certain rights to regulate economic within their own areas. Second, we should perfect the procedural legislation of Macro-control to by developing and perfecting the Code of Macro-control Procedure and some special laws in different Macro-control fields. This measure can help us to regulate the procedure of policy dec is ion-making and implementation, resolve conflicts of interests between central government and local governments, and judge the legitimacy of governments’behaviors. Third, we should set up a power restriction mechanism of Macro-control, which include a legal responsibility system and a supervisory system. Last but not the least, we should build a judicial solution mechanism to resolve disputes between central government and local governments, in order to guarantee the stability and harmony.
Keywords/Search Tags:Macro-control, Macro-control Law, the Relationship betwecn Central Government and Local Governments, Rcgulation Power of Local Economic
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