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Russian Foreign Policy Towards Iran In 2000-2010:Geopolitical Stakes,Economic Benefits,Iranian Nuclear Program

Posted on:2018-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:ANTIPIN STANISLAVFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330515970029Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Foreign policy as a part of relations between countries should be described not only on domestic level,but its roots and outcomes also should be lighting at the international level.But before we start to talk about essence of the story of such a policy,we should identify the nature of international relations itself.International relations is a set of economic,legal,social,political,diplomatic,military and humanitarian ties and relationships between entities of the international community.These are state,public and political forces,movements and organization,people.International relations itself is a links which form the human community.Foreign policy is a form of these links.All together they are leading trend of modern international relations.Modern international relations do not keep in rest.They are transforming by their fluidity,transience which is reflected in the new tendencies of the international community which based on mutual relations of cooperation and at the same time to improve world understanding of conflict,not always in a good way,but just the form of it.Interest of states balanced these processes but also have possibility to overpowering it.Therefore,the overall direction of the entire system of international relations in a holistic,interdependent world based on the need to take into account all the interests of countries and peoples in the development of a line of conduct.In modern world,international political relations are forming the picture of our world.Foreign policy in hands of independent states becomes a tool for making a form of our world and world order.The foreign policy of the state in modern conditions is a factor that helps to express and defend the interests of the state in the international arena.The formation of foreign policy is influenced by various circumstances that determine its future character.Sometimes holding together the economical/military/energy interests versus geopolitical one's can threat the existence of established regional order.Therefore,the purpose of master's thesis will be to study the conditions of friendship and contest between countries which taking roots from its national and regional interests.In thus master's thesis the influence of Iran nuclear program on Russian foreign policy will be discussed,in particularly rivalry of Iran-Russian interests in Central Asia and an accruing of nuclear weapon as a changing of power balance between two states particularly and in region in Middle East in general what will be extrapolated on Russian geopolitical,economic,military interests as well as future of energy resources sphere.The paper also examines the main goals of Russian and Iranian interests in Central Asia,role of Russian in Iran nuclear program and developing Iran at all.Attention is paid to the power balance saving in Central Asia and clash of state interests.The main purpose of master thesis is to analyze the political situation in Central Asia and Middle East created by the Iranian attempt to accruing nuclear weapon and its effect on Russian interest in regions.To study Russian foreign policy towards new nuclear state in conditions of close cooperation and international pressure;consideration of power balance between Russia and Iran and its possible clash due to accruing by Iran nuclear weapon.The main aim of present thesis is to research necessity of maximizing security of Russia by preventing appearance of new nuclear state on itself border which is going in hand with important cooperation,not only from economic side but also political and military one which can contradict with general geopolitical interest of Russia as more power Iran can accrue.To achieve the goals and objectives of the thesis the concept of power balance between states and nonproliferation attempts as a tool for preventing power balance changing are used.The main conception is a neorealist thoughts described by Kenneth Waltz and offensive variety of it.For the analysis,concept of Russian “near abroad” policy and importance of energy resources flew are used,which can help to explain and prove the main argument.All the work is divided into an introduction part,three chapters,which will reveal the main argument,and conclusion.The first part of the master's thesis is the introduction,which explains the relevance of the chosen topic and a brief historical overview of the events.In the introduction,special attention is paid to the main argument of the research topic,identifies the main features of it,which will be disclosed in detail in the following chapters.The introduction also contains information that tells us how the thesis will contribute to the study of international relations in general.The second chapter will give historical discourse of Russian foreign policy in Central Asia and Middle East after break up of USSR and during Putin times.Main goals and objectives will be discussed and as well as counterparts who can possible rival it.The third chapter will give closer look on Russian – Iran relation from 2000's when new president of Russia Putin V.V.step back on legacy of the past in IranRussian relations.Forms of this cooperation,influence of international pressure and opinion,roots and benefits of it will be discussed.Moreover triangle of Russia – Iran – USA interest in Central Asia will be narrated and put in prospective of changes due to nuclear Iran.Chapter four will discussed Russian attitude to Iran nuclear program and it's direct involvement in it.Influence on Russian interest of Iran as a nuclear state and possible consequence of preventing by Western states of Iran accruing weapon of mass destruction will be extrapolate on Russian foreign policy decision making.Anxiety of nuclear Iran for Middle East states and their possible retaliatory actions as well as consequences for regional stability and Russian interestsThe conclusion part summarizes the work done,once again sets out the basic terms and their evidentiary factors.In conclusion,are also fixed the main arguments of the study.The study would be a valuable addition for regional studies of Russian foreign policy as well as will show new facets of international relations in Central Asia and Middle East.It will be a different attempt to explain selected policy line of Russian Federation based on power balance and appearance of a new nuclear state near sphere of Russian interests which effect and show variability of state relations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Iran nuclear program, Russian foreign policy, Russia-Iran relations, Central Asia, Middle East, Regional Hegemony
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