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Research On The Civil Liability Of Campus Injury Accident

Posted on:2017-10-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J LiuFull Text:PDF
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In recent years,more and more attention has been paid to the campus safety problems caused by the frequent incidents of campus injury accidents.Campus injury accident is not only the focus of social concern,but also the important issue that has plagued the school work,but also left a lingering shadow of each unhappy family.Compared to other security incidents,security incidents on campus is more distressed,not just because of the accident itself bring our impact,but the main reason is campus safety accident object underage students.They are in a critical period of healthy growth,is the hope for the future development of the country.Construction of safe campus,campus security,avoid the campus accident occurrence of the best way is attached great importance to the government,school and society,well in advance of the preventive work,nip in the bud.But the real society is complex,there are always some uncertain reasons leading to the occurrence of campus injury accidents.Then.Once the campus injury accidents,if not handled properly,not only the victim's legitimate rights and interests can not be guaranteed,but also will affect the school normal teaching order,moreover may group events leading to malignant,affect the social harmony and stability.At present,for the campus injury accidents caused by the dispute were getting more and more,disputes over the legal norms lead to trial results of differentiation,the discontent caused not only the parties,but also makes the laws of justice questioned.From the perspective of the law,through the campus injury accidents involving legal provisions on the interpretation of,the key problems and controversial issues are described,can expect to provide some thoughts on way of settlement of campus injury accidents caused by the legal issues.Firstly from the understanding of the concept of campus injury accident of through the relationship analysis between schools and students,the school responsibility bear and school responsibilities constitute elements of the study,and finally put forward to solve the campus accident legislation suggestions and remedies.The main body of this thesis is to study the campus injury accidents from four aspects.There is a causal relationship discussed in the first part of the campus injury accident of the basic concepts and between students and school legal relationship;the second part first analyzes the tort liability imputation principle,after the analysis of the school tort liability imputation principle applicable responsibility,bear the responsibility and exemption problem;the third part discuss the contents of tort liability of school.It mainly discusses the four elements constitute the tort liability of school,namely the illegal act,facts of damage,fault of doer,School of violations and the damage facts.The fourth part through the analysis of China's current campus injury accident tort liability system of the legislative shortcomings,gives the legislative proposals to improve and establish a solution to the campus injury accident diversified relief system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Campus injury accident, tort liability, Imputation principle, Fault liability
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