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Local State-owned Enterprises Mixed Research Into State-owned Capital Regulation Of The Rule Of Law

Posted on:2018-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X P YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330539975030Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the socialist system,the state-owned assets is the material base of national economy,and from the planned economy has begun to explore through a series of reform of state-owned enterprises,give the enterprise more autonomy,has also made gratifying achievements,but we should also see,in the growth phase shift,some state-owned enterprises are still problems: the enterprise market main body status has not yet truly established,enterprise management,policy is still exist,enterprise management chaos,economic decline,insider control,severe overcapacity,the indemnification,heavy debt burden,loss of state-owned assets,etc.Under the current new normal supply side in the structural reform,the reform of state-owned enterprises on the mixed ownership reform of state-owned enterprises and emphasizes the state-owned capital regulation,more perfect the supervision system of state-owned assets,realize the government and the state-owned assets of separating,soe should separate,really realize the state-owned enterprise internal management science.Local state-owned enterprises to undertake important driver of local economic development,in which mixed in the state-owned enterprises,local state-owned capital needs to be set up and improve the regulatory system,state-owned capital,need to further improve the operation efficiency,based on the existing state-owned assets of state-owned enterprises "on behalf of all the national unity,local classification" regulatory system,on the basis of combining the national policy document spirit,explore in local state-owned enterprises to build local state-owned capital supervision in the mixed legal system,this article from three parts to analyze the construction of local state-owned enterprises to mix to the state-owned capital supervision system under the rule of law,the first part of the local state-owned enterprises mix change state-owned capital supervision concepts related to make the comb,clear the theoretical basis for the local state-owned enterprises mix reform,local state-owned enterprises mix to the connotation of the extension,the difference between the local state-owned assets and state-owned capital,etc.Second part with the actual situation of guizhou province,this paper introduces the development in guizhou province state-owned assets supervision,layout of state-owned assets in guizhou,guizhou province sasac regulatory model profiles as well as themethod of SWOT analysis in guizhou province sasac regulatory model.The third part from the government,investment companies,three aspects are firms build local state-owned enterprises to mix to state-owned capital operation management system,from the national supervision and social supervision,supervision from three aspects for the enterprise to set up a local state-owned enterprises change of state-owned capital operation supervision system;From illegal operation responsibility,lack of the supervision and responsibility,establishing public interest litigation system design aspects such as local mixed change state-owned capital responsibility system in state-owned enterprises,to build local state-owned enterprises mix change state-owned capital supervision law system.Where the entire process,the mixed ownership reform of state-owned enterprises to lead the reform under the rule of law,in which is to promote the reform,through the implementation of the related design of the legal system and legal system,improve the local state-owned enterprises change mixed results,make local state-owned capital efficient operation,drive the local industrial upgrading,promote the sustainable and healthy and rapid development of local economy,in order to realize national greatness of grand strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mix to state-owned enterprises, State-owned capital, Corporate governance, Public interest litigation, The rule of law system
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