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Comparative Study On Oil Pollution Compensation Legislation

Posted on:2015-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330518471597Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Our country has a long coastline , and so many ports. With the development of our country's economy , the shipping industry and the oil imports show a good growth trend . But the threat of marine oil pollution is becoming more and more serious . For this reason,our country is badly in need of making a positive response to some respects,such as the legal system,the technology and equipment,the emergency management team and the international cooperation . Because of the legal system of the marine oil pollution damage compensation of our country is incomplete , the victims of the marine oil pollution accident obtain sufficient compensation difficultly . Our country urgent need consummated the legal system of marine oil pollution damage compensation and the relevant supporting system such as the maritime compulsory liability insurance and ship oil pollution fund system , It's so important to our country's development.The article entry point at the current situation of the legal system of the marine oil pollution damage. Then compare with it in other countries like the U.S.A,the U.K and Canada then relevant international convention . At last ,put forward the proposal about completing the legal system of the marine oil pollution damage . To be specific , the first part is the introduction about the background of the research topic . The second part give a summary and evaluation of the legal system of the marine oil pollution damage . The third part analysis of the current situation of the typical countries of the legal system then show the revelation to our country . The forth part analysis the current situation of the legal system and the problems existing in it , point out the system lack of the legislation , the institution of the legal system of the marine oil pollution damage . The last part across to analysis the 3 main legislations of the legal system of the marine oil pollution damage , then put forward the suitable legislative path,and revised the current the Maritime Code of The People's Republic of China, and put forward the specific advice about the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:The legislative of the marine oil pollution damage, Legislation Comparison, Oil pollution fund, Maritime compulsory liability insurance
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