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A Study On The Approaches Of Cross-Strait Cooperation On The South China Sea Issue In The Context Of Great-Power Game

Posted on:2018-10-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J D XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330536452811Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since reform and opening-up policy,Mainland has focused on the development of economy,it has become one of the most important and strongest countries in the Asia Pacific area.Under the premise of stable economy and national security,ocean territory plays a more and more important role for Mainland.The South China Sea plays a key role in economic development and in connection with India Ocean.The South China Sea issue is related to the peaceful development of neighboring countries and regions,becoming one of the hottest global issues.Ocean territory is playing a more and more important role in many countries,same for planning for the development of marine strategy and competition for marine resources.The South China Sea channel connects Pacific Ocean and India Ocean,and it is an important channel for China to access India Ocean and Pacific Ocean.The Straits of Malacca is knowns as “the lifeline in the ocean” which connects major channels.The interests of the South China Sea are China’s core interests,with the World’s political and economic development,the value of the South China Sea has become increasingly prominent.Cross-strait cooperation is the worthiest of studying for the participants in the South China Sea issue.Cross-strait cooperation has its own necessity.Through the analysis of the advantages,disadvantages,opportunities and threats of cross-strait cooperation,we can find out the advantages and cruxes of cross-strait cooperation and explore the feasibility of cross-strait cooperation.Promoting cross-strait cooperation in the South China Sea is essential,and protect the“ancestral industry” jointly is our priority.
Keywords/Search Tags:Major power relations, South China Sea, issue Cross-strait cooperation, SWOT Analysis
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