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Influence Of Clan Reconstruction On Village Governance

Posted on:2017-10-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330488472748Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Traditional country political maintained the pattern which was ruled by squire and clan.Since the end of the Qing's new deal,China attempts to deepen and strengthen the control of rural community,to the utmost extent.However, such efforts have little effect,clan still carried the rural governance.Until the establishment of new Chinese regime,in particular, the completion of the co-operative movement and the people's commune movement,they squeezed the living space of clan,and weaken its effect.After 1980,implementation of the household contract responsibility system,it collapsed the economic foundation of people's commune system,farmers were re-awarded the power of self-management,with the gradual easing policy environment,clan also began to re-establish in large-scale.In Jiangxi province,clans of most rural counties has generally rebuilt.This paper based on the case study of Ma Village,to analyze the influence of village clan which in the case,and to explore its i n h e r e n t o p e r a t i n g l o g i c, a n d p r o p o s e a p p r o p r i a t e p o l i c y r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s.Village governance is a process,it involves the interaction of various power-holders within the rural.As one power subject in rural,clan have a certain impact on the village elections and village public affairs.First of all,although the process of clan influencing village election is not obvious,since the personal voting behavior of villager has a strong clan tendency,so,the election become the product of a balance between clan factions.Meanwhile,to a certain degree,under the clan factions of competitive elections will conducive to enhancing the level of fairness and democratic village elections.Thence,villages' public power build upon the top of clan's network,rather than clan consciously manipulated elections.Secondly,clan plays an important role in the power running pf rural governance.Clan has considerable binding in "private" domain of the village,with the ability to integrate such internal relations,clan regulate villagers' behavior,so that aspects of the organization and conduct of public affairs activities in unison,and it influences the decision-making status and operational capacities of village cadres.This has both positive effects,such as maintaining village order,organizing and participating in the supply of public goods,etc,but exhibits a negative impact,such as softening the intensity of implementation of the family planning,balancing the feeling of immoral of the low's distributive dislocation,etc.Currently,clan's presence still has a certain rationality.Clan itself is continually strengthening the ability to adapt to modernization.We should change ideas and strengthen the management of clan in rule of law,to achieve the transformation of the traditional management resource.Simultaneously,governments should assume the main responsibility of clan's management system,respectively,from these aspects,such as absorbing authorities,constructing organizations,and guiding culture,etc,to maximize the positive role of clan which as traditional resources.
Keywords/Search Tags:Clan Reconstruction, Village Governance, Traditional Resources Conversion
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