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The Study Of Gender Roles In Kindergarten Teaching Materials

Posted on:2017-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330491457567Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with the increase in the number of gender theory and kindergarten teaching materials, the requirements for kindergarten teaching materials are also high. From the perspective of gender theory, the gender ideas in kindergarten teaching materials will affect children’s gender ideas, and play an important role in forming children’s social gender consciousness. Correct gender ideas in teaching materials is helpful for children to form correct gender ideas, however, Incorrect gender ideas will make children form incorrect gender ideas,and then affect physical and mental development of children.The paper takes gender theory as the theoretical basis, and takes children appropriate development teaching materials for children for example,and analyzes gender roles in kindergarten teaching materials by content analysis. The paper analyzes the number and frequency of males and females, the number and frequency of males and females as the main character, self-induced and ascribed roles of males and females, and character type of males and females,and so on. And also,the paper analyzes personified gender roles, mainly from the perspective of three: type,shape features and character, the study shows that there are some problems of gender roles in kindergarten teaching materials.First, the image of females is ignored.The number and frequency of males is more than the number and frequency of females.Second, the roles of females descibed are not in accodance with the existing images.Self-induced roles of males are more than self-induced roles of females; and the self-induced roles of females are neglected and not in accodance the roles in real life. Third, the ascribed roles of females are distorted. Ascribed roles of females are more than the ascribed roles of males,most females are portrayed as ignorant, kind, gentle image.Fourth,there is gender stereotype.Males are often rigid and brave, while females are kind, effeminate; males have a variety of self-induced social roles in society, and hold the lifeblood of society, females are responsible for household chores activities. According to the existing problems of gender roles in kindergarten teaching materials, the paper analyzes the causes,the main reasons are lack of policy support of social administration, the writers lack of gender consciousness and gender sterotyres in society.Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions to improve gender roles in kindergarten teaching materials.
Keywords/Search Tags:kindergarten teaching materials, gender roles, personified role, gender stereotypes
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