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An Empirical Study On Meta-cognitive Strategy Training For English Reading In A Senior High School

Posted on:2018-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330515498945Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Reading,as an important part of English learning,attracts the educational experts and scholars’ attention.However,teachers in senior high schools do not adopt the strategy-based method to the process of reading teaching so that they ignore the cultivation of learner autonomy and the training of using reading strategies.Facing these situations,this study based on meta-cognition aims to explore the effects of the meta-cognitive strategies training on the senior high students,and the study attempts to answer three research questions:1.What are the changes of meta-cognitive strategies in terms of reading used by senior high school students after meta-cognitive strategies training?2.To what extent does meta-cognitive strategies training improve the level of senior high school students’ autonomous learning in terms of reading?3.To what extent can meta-cognitive strategies training enhance the senior high school students’ reading achievement?This study was conducted in Longjin Senior High School,Jinzhou,Liaoning province,which lasted for 16 weeks,from September to December,2016.Two classes(in total 111 students)were selected randomly from Grade Two.One class as the experimental class(EC)adopted the method of integrating meta-cognitive strategy training with reading teaching.The other class as the control class(CC),applied the routine English reading teaching.The data collected from the questionnaires,the preand post-test,interviews and diaries were analyzed by qualitative and quantitative methods with the help of SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)program version 19.0.It is found that the training makes the students use the meta-cognitive strategies more frequently,especially monitoring and evaluation.Students’ autonomous level ranges from a low one to a medium one,and their English reading achievements have improved.The thesis also gives some effective advice about English reading teaching in senior high schools.Finally,the implications and limitations of this study are summarized and some suggestions for further research are proposed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Meta-cognitive strategies, Senior High School English reading, Learner Autonomy, Reading achievement
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