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The Expansion Of Knowledge In History Teaching In Senior High School

Posted on:2018-08-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B X XiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518964752Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The main contents of the paper are the main significance of the expansion of knowledge,the main content of knowledge development,and historical figures and events in history teaching in senior high school to expand the basic steps,and in expanding the importance of historical data.Through the development of high school history teaching to a certain extent,improve the students’ ability of historical thinking and academic ability,this is the one hand.On the other hand,students can build a more complete knowledge system,rather than a piecemeal conceptual knowledge.By expanding the teaching knowledge,students can consolidate the previous knowledge,through knowledge accumulation,can form or improve the ability of the history subject and thinking ability,in order to make students get all-round development in two aspects of knowledge and ability.The expansion of teaching is also a kind of training for teachers,and it is the same with knowledge,which is also the case in teaching methods and models.The above is from the macro point of view.From microcosmic point of view,historical figures and historical events development steps is the core of this paper views,historical figures and events in the history ofdevelopment,senior high school is the important content of developing knowledge,the teaching is to link.As the two aspects of content right is the key,is also the of the core content of research.Development steps identified,of course,how to carry out,how to find the veins of the steps is also a matter of concern.
Keywords/Search Tags:Knowledge development, Expansion steps, Historical application
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