In recent years,China’s mobile gaming market,the rapid expansion of the scale,with a very short time to finish the end of the road for several years.But too fast behind the development there are many hidden dangers,such as the short life cycle,the user churn rate is high.Many studies have shown that the development of mobile games "socialization" is the future direction of development,but also an important means to reduce the loss of users.But the research on the relationship between "socialization" and user churn rate of mobile games is only in the theoretical discussion,and there is no empirical study on its relationship.Does the game social experience have an impact on user churn? What specific social experience can have an impact on user churn? In order to clarify these problems,this article will conduct further in-depth study and analysis.Based on the theory of SOR,this paper introduces the immersion theory on the basis of literature research,and studies the impact of mobile game users’ social experience on user churn rate from the theory of user experience and user loss.Based on the literature review of the user experience,combined with the in-depth interviews with mobile game users,the three metrics of the mobile game user social experience are extracted,namely social atmosphere experience,social content experience and social tool experience.And use these three indicators as the independent variables of this study,the user churn rate as the dependent variable,immersion as an intermediate variable,so as to explore the mobile game users social experience on the impact of the user wastage and immersion can play a mediating role.In practice,I collects 289 formal questionnaires,and carries out reliability analysis,factor analysis,correlation analysis and regression analysis to verify the hypothesis of the article.The results of empirical research show that the social experience of mobile users has a significant impact on user churn rate.Based on the conclusions,I puts forward the corresponding marketing strategy proposal,which has certain guiding significance for improving the stickiness of the mobile game. |