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Study On The Cognitive Model Of Element Compounds And Its Application In Teaching

Posted on:2018-11-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330542456439Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Because the model and modeling teaching can improve the efficiency of the teaching and students’ abstract thinking,most researchers have applied it in physics and mathematics as early as the last century.However,the application of the model in the field of chemistry is relatively small,and the study of these articles is mainly reflected in the modeling teaching,rarely involve the construction of cognitive model.In a simple way,the cognitive model is to show the occurrence and development process of cognition in the cognitive activities of human beings,Cognitive model can simplify the complex cognitive activities,systematize and standardize it.Therefore,it is necessary to construct a cognitive model for complex cognitive activities.Then we know that the knowledge of chemical elements and compounds in high school is complicated,trivial and confusing,and it is the focus and difficulty for students,at the same time,it is also a complex cognitive activity.Therefore,in this paper,I explore and construct the corresponding cognitive model in the teaching of chemical element compounds in Senior High School to help students overcome difficulties,so that the knowledge gained to be systematic and structural.This paper is based on the theory of constructivism,the theory of transfer of learning and the teaching theory of Structuralism,according to use the methods of literature research,investigation,interview and comparison of experimental results.Based on the continuous exploration and practice,this paper constructs a cognitive model of element compounds,which is based on the two-dimensional coordinates of the material category as the abscissa and the reactant as the ordinate,and I use this model to carry out the teaching in the teaching practice of the knowledge of element compounds in a senior high school in Harbin.In practice,the basic assumption of the study is that the construction of the cognitive model can improve students’ learning interest and academic achievement.In this paper,through the questionnaire,interview and Practice Research of the pre-test and post test data collection and analysis,draw the following conclusions:the construction of cognitive model not only improves the students’ interest in learning and academic achievement,but also changes the way of learningDue to the limited time and level,this study also has the following problems:First,the number of research objects less.Two,the scope of the study is narrow,but is limited to the knowledge of element compounds,can’t be widely used in the whole chemical disciplines.Three,the limitations of the model itself,such as some of the links between the materials is not reflected.On this basis,the future research direction is to modify the cognitive model,so that it can be more comprehensive and systematic application in Chemistry.
Keywords/Search Tags:High school chemistry, element compounds, cognitive model, Teaching practice
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