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Research On Online Consumption Intention Of College Students In Shijiazhuang City

Posted on:2019-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330542954515Subject:Applied statistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of Internet consumption in China,more and more consumers use the network consumption as the main way of consumption.However,opportunities and risks coexist,the e-commerce website,while facing huge business opportunities,also needs to cope with the increasingly fierce market competition.The major electricity supplier wants to win in the competition will have a cup of soup,the influencing factors of consumer online con.sumption intention analysis,find out the major factors in marketing activities,and make specific reflect,so that they can remain invincible in the fierce competition in the market.In this paper,based on the technology acceptance model,by introducing product features,web services,social shopping factors and perceived risk will be perceived usefulness,perceived ease of use as an intermediate variable,find out the influencing factors of shijiazhuang college students’ network consumption desire.In order to verify the rationality of the model,combined with the purpose of the research,the questionnaire was designed,and the questionnaires were distributed to eight universities in Shijiazhuang,and the related questionnaires were used to analyze the questionnaires,so as to achieve the purpose of this study.The analysis results show that the commodity characteristics,website characteristics and social factors of online shopping has a positive impact on perceived usefulness,perceived usefulness and positive impact on the network consumption willingness of college students,the website features also have a direct positive impact on the network consumption intention of College students.Perceived ease of use also has a positive impact on College Students’ willingness to consume online.Perceived risk not only has a negative impact on perceived usefulness,but also has a directnegative impact on College Students’ willingness to consume online.
Keywords/Search Tags:Technology Acceptance Model, Online shopping intention, Factors ofsocial online shopping
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