As the manufacturing industry developing towards the direction of intelligence, informatization and automation, industrial robots are widely used in industrial applications for their flexibility and high efficiency. As one of core components of industrial robots, controller determines the control performance of robots. Traditional controllers based on the architecture of "PC/IPC+Motion Control Card" exposes some limitations such as closed architecture, low capability of synchronous axes, wiring complexity and slow transmission rate in modern industrial applications. Control architecture based on embedded technology and real-time Ethernet is more consistent with the trend of high-speed, digital and networking and is expected to become the future mainstream technology of industrial robot controller for its good advantages such as low cost, low power consumption and great performance. Therefore, open robot controller based on embedded processor and real-time Ethernet is designed and developed in this thesis, the detailed contents are as follows:Researching on the architecture of industrial robot controller, combined with comprehensive analysis of functions of main controllers in the market, the open architecture of "Embedded Processor+RTOS+Real-time Ethernet" has been taken, the software and hardware development platform of "ARM Cortex Processor+RT-Linux+SERCOS Ⅲ" has been built, and a five-layer architecture partitioning method of controller functions has been proposed according to the principles of modularization.To slove the problem of the implementation and application of SERCOS Ⅲ Real-Time Ethernet, comX, which is a general embedded communication module, has been choosen as master of SERCOS Ⅲ, and SERCOS Ⅲ communication protocol has been configured and implemented; and then, the driver of comX has been designed and completed for RT-Linux by considering comX as a character device.Studying on the velocity planning algorithm of industrial robot motion control, fast velocity planning algorithm of seven-segment S-curve has been achieved by making use of the good symmetry of seven-segment S-curve; and then considering the synchronous problem of all joints of robots, a planning algorithm of multi-axis synchronization in joint space has been achieved, which takes the axis that has the longest running time as the reference, and other axes are synchronized to ensure synchronization of all axes with shortest running time.In view of trajectory interpolation algorithms for industrial robots, some conventional interpolation algorithms have been achieved such as PTP interpolation in joint space, linear and circular interpolation in rectangular space. And then, to slove the problem of complex curve interpolation, an improved NURBS interpolation algorithm based on S-curve has been proposed. Firstly, the improved differential equations of Adams are used to estimate parameters, which are corrected adaptively referring to chord deviation, velocity, acceleration and other constraints. And then, motion parameters of each segment are smoothed according to S-curve velocity planning alogrithm, in order to achieve flexible acceleration and deceleration.On the basis of the studies above, industrial robot called "Kun Shan No.1" with six degrees of freedom is used as control object to test the controller and control algorithms developed in this thesis, experimental results show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed methods. |