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Design Of Integrated Laser Processing Control System Based On DSP And FPGA

Posted on:2016-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W P LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330503488307Subject:Navigation, guidance and control
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Laser processing is a non-contact processing, which has been widely used in many industrial fields. It has the advantages of high processing efficiency, low heating effect to processing object, high machining accuracy, easy to be controlled automatically and no noise.The existing laser processing control system is mainly consists of PC, motion control card and laser controller. However, the motor in this control system is controlled directly by PC, which make the system fully depend on PC, and the integration of this system controller is low. The object researches and implements a laser processing control system design based on "DSP+FPGA" mode under learning the defect of the existing laser controller system.According to the characteristic and requirements of laser processing system, the system control scheme is determined, and the design of hardware and software are completed. In terms of hardware, the TMS320F28335 with floating point unit is used as the main control chip, which is used to process the processing data and implement interpolation algorithm.ALTERA Cyclone Ⅲ series EP3C25Q240C8 N is used as the auxiliary chip, whose M9 K storage space is configured as FIFO for caching interpolation pulse messages that have been disposed by DSP. The caching messages is transferred under the action of sync signal.Furthermore, It can implement real-time monitor system’s states and related logic control design of system. In addition, the controller can also realize real-time adjustment of output power of the laser. The system connects DSP with FPGA through XINTF interface. The expected goals of the control system’s performance and function are achieved through the software and hardware testing of system engineering prototype.
Keywords/Search Tags:DSP(Field-Programmable Gate Array), FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array), Interpolation algorithm, FIFO, Laser processing
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